Use Cases | Singapore Government Developer Portal
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Enhancing data analytics for public agencies

To date, has more than 1600 users – across 80 agencies such as MND, PSD, AGO, and EnterpriseSG – who have onboarded the platform to work on their use cases for policy making, service delivery and internal operations using the tools available, including:

  • Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) for building of analytical models (e.g. regression, classification, text analytics)
  • Data visualisation tools
  • Code repository tool for code sharing to enable collaboration among project team members, and even across agencies.

Notable agency use cases include analysing, predicting and visualising customer feedback data, development of chatbots, report summarisation, ML-assisted case outlier detection, automated data processing for governance checks on grants, campaigns planning and workflow processes, etc.

On the enterprise level, AG supports MTI-NERVE (NERVE – National Economic Research & Visualisation Engine) as a central platform to access various data science tools in a secured environment.

Fig 2: How AG supports MTI-NERVE (NERVE – National Economic Research & Visualisation Engine).

Last updated 29 March 2023

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