– Enabling Data Exploitation for Whole-of-Government (WOG) | Singapore Government Developer Portal
Have feedback? Please header banner (AG) is a WOG central secured data exploitation platform developed by GovTech’s Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Division (DSAID), which is accessible via GSIB machines to support the analysis and exploitation of data by public agencies.

It offers a virtual environment for all users to exploit data with built-in data security and governance and access a wide range of analytical tools.

These tools include:

  • Commonly-used analytics tools with readily available and up-to-date code libraries/packages
  • High-compute resources to support computationally-intensive analytics projects
  • Means for code sharing and collaboration amongst users both within and across agencies

To date, offers two virtual environments that are available for users:

  • Government Data Center (GDC)
  • Government on Commercial Cloud (GCC)

It was first commissioned with its on-premise Government Data Centre (AG@GDC) set up in December 2021.

With the imperative to scale with the growing number of users, DSAID expanded the platform to the Government on Commercial Cloud (AG@GCC) in July 2022. This new environment promises greater value to users in meeting their demand for higher computing performance and elasticity of resources.

The team plans to bring in new features on AG@GCC to enhance the platform’s capabilities, such as cloud services and tools to support Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) so that agencies can efficiently develop and deploy ML models at scale in the near future.

How It Works works by providing a readily available web-based platform where public officers can easily access both AG@GDC and AG@GCC via their GSIB machines, to work on their data exploitation securely on this common platform.

Key Benefits

The platform aims to:

  • Eliminate barriers for users to access analytics tools on their GSIB machines with readily available, up-to-date libraries and packages
  • Enable users to work on production data in a secured virtual environment
  • Enable users to run analytical codes with sufficient computing power
  • Enable users to collaborate amongst themselves within and across agencies
  • Enable users to work on and produce deployable analytical codes that can be made operational
Fig 1: Notable ways in which empowers public service officers.

Pricing is now free for public officers until further notice. In future, the service may be chargeable on a cost-recovery basis.

Contact Us

Reach out to the product team with your queries or feedback through this form.

Last updated 29 June 2023

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