Features | Singapore Government Developer Portal
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Analytics Tools

AG@GCC provides Integrated Development Environments (IDEs), including JupyterLab, RStudio, and the latest addition, VS Code.

Collaboration and Repository

AG@GCC provides GitLab and Nexus Repository for teams and agencies to share and collaborate. Nexus Repository allows users to get the latest versions of open-source Python/R libraries into their JupyterHub & RStudio instances with

Data Classification Support

AG@GCC now supports Confidential (Cloud-Eligible), Sensitive High data for data exploitation work, up from Sensitive Normal. For now, agencies must connect data sources to via API integration if the datasets are Sensitive High.

Connectivity with Vault

AG@GCC is integrated with Vault a central data discovery and distribution platform for WOG, allowing users to download approved data from Vault by simply running simple curl commands within JupyterHub and RStudio. With the new data classification and sensitivity support, users can now access Vault datasets containing up to Confidential (Cloud-Eligible), Sensitive High data from AG@GCC.

Machine Learning Operations (MLOps)

In the second half of 2023, AG@GCC will bring in new cloud services to support MLOps capabilities, starting with Amazon SageMaker Studio, so that agencies can efficiently develop and deploy ML models at scale in the future. Note that, as a central WOG platform, will also explore MLOps services from other Cloud Service Providers.


Analytics Tools

AG@GDC provides Integrated Development Environments (IDEs), including JupyterLab and RStudio.

Collaboration and Repository

AG@GDC also provides GitLab and Nexus Repository for teams and agencies to share and collaborate.

Data Classification Support

AG@GDC supports Confidential, Sensitive Normal data for data exploitation work.

Data Visualisation Tools

AG@GDC users can utilise their data for visualisation and dashboard purposes through tools like Tableau and QlikSense. Both tools follow ‘Bring Your Own License’ (BYOL) schemes, which are needed if agencies intend to use them within AG@GDC.

Last updated 29 March 2023

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