enCRYPT – Anonymise Sensitive Data in Minutes with the Central Privacy-Preserving Toolkit | Singapore Government Developer Portal
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enCRYPT is a one-stop, self-service web application that helps non-expert users across the Whole of Government (WOG) apply data anonymisation techniques to datasets and review re-identification risk, in compliance with the Instruction Manual for ICT&SS Management (previously known as IM8) guidelines for data-sharing with non-government entities and other custom use cases.

As a central privacy toolkit for Singapore public sector users, enCRYPT makes it simple to transform and anonymise your data so you can innovate faster whilst balancing privacy and utility.

enCRYPT is developed by GovTech’s Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Division (DSAID).

How It Works

enCRYPT is a web application that allows public service officers to upload, tag and transform data through transformation/anonymisation techniques, and address re-identification risk.

enCRYPT will soon support other privacy-preserving technologies, such as differential privacy and synthetic data generation.

Fig 1: This infographic shows how public officers can use enCRYPT to anonymise their data.
Fig 1: This infographic shows how public officers can use enCRYPT to anonymise their data.

Key Benefits

  • Policy-tech integration made easier for public officers: enCRYPT provides a guided walkthrough to adopt the Anonymisation Guidelines in the Instruction Manual for ICT&SS Management, and process classified data at scale.
  • Ease of use: enCRYPT’s Point-and-click approach is suitable for non-technical users.
  • Flexibility and customisability: Supports a wide variety of modular use cases for data transformation and/or re-identification risk assessment.
  • Improves efficiency: enCRYPT will result in time and cost savings, and improved performance in anonymising data in accordance with public sector guidelines.


enCRYPT is currently free for public officers to use.

Contact Us

Reach out to the product team with your queries or feedback through this form.

Last updated 29 June 2023

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