enCRYPT Features | Singapore Government Developer Portal
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Tabular anonymisation

Anonymise your datasets in line with the Instruction Manual for ICT&SS Management guidelines quickly and with confidence. Implement custom data anonymisation techniques, address re-identification risk, and generate detailed reports on how your data was transformed.

Fig 2: The anonymisation techniques provided by enCRYPT.
Fig 2: The anonymisation techniques provided by enCRYPT.

Free text anonymisation (coming soon)

Analyse, redact, and anonymise sensitive information in text and word documents. Reduce privacy leakages from unstructured data, while preserving data utility.

Sample/synthetic data generation (coming soon)

Generate accurate sample/synthetic data to use in lieu of real datasets. Features customisable data fields, distributions and formats. Ideal for testing and development purposes.

Last updated 28 April 2023

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