Cloud File Transfer (CFT) - Powering Secure and Compliant Cross-Zone File Transfers | Singapore Government Developer Portal
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Cloud File Transfer (CFT) is a Service Layer product in the Singapore Government Tech Stack (SGTS) that offers a centralised, secure, cross-zone, and fully managed file transfer service. Hosted on the Government on Commercial Cloud (GCC), it enables public officers to automate file exchanges with the whole-of-government (WOG) network, business partners, and vendors across the internet and intranet.

Currently, the Instruction Manual for Infocomm Technology and Smart Systems (ICT&SS) Management (previously known as Instruction Manual 8/IM8) policy requires applications to be separated into internet and intranet zones. While API gateways, such as API Exchange (APEX), allow information sharing across zones, they typically share small payloads - usually in text format. Thus, CFT was built as a complementary service to meet the growing need for transferring larger files, such as high-resolution images and videos.

How It Works

CFT is a backend system-to-system file transfer service. As a tenant or subscriber, you can transfer files to and from HTTPS systems or SFTP systems.

File transfers in CFT can be understood using the airport luggage screening process as an analogy.

Fig 1: CFT workflow via the airport luggage screening analogy.

Key Features

  • Compliant with the Singapore Government’s Application Infrastructure Architecture Standard (AIAS) and ICT&SS Management policy
  • Large file exchanges between the public and private sectors
  • File encryption for data integrity and security
  • HTTPS and SFTP support
  • Audit and monitor functions for file transfers
  • Configurable security policies and workflows
  • Real-time notification alerts
  • Scheduling of file transfers
  • Time and cost savings


If you’re an early adopter of CFT, you can use the service for free until further notice. If you want to learn more about indicative pricing, get in touch with us and we’ll provide you with all the details.

Contact Us

Reach out to the product team with your queries or feedback through this form.

Last updated 09 May 2023

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