Data Science and Artificial Intelligence | Singapore Government Developer Portal
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Data Science and Artificial Intelligence

Access Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (DSAI) products developed by the Singapore Government, best practices and other resources here.

Mission Statement

To uplift our government's Data Science and AI capabilities for public good.

Our Work

For more information on the work we do, please check out our Medium blog:

DSAI Products

To support the digital transformation of government through Data Science & AI, we partner agencies on data projects, building quality AI products and data and analytics platform tailored for government agencies and a series of capability development initiatives to upskill public officers and uplift public agencies.

Check out some of the products and platforms here.

Playbooks and Additional Resources

Along the way, we have also developed resources and methodologies to address some of the common challenges faced by agencies in their transformation efforts.

Some of these best practices have been condensed into the different playbooks to address the needs of agencies based on their individual needs relevant to the data maturity of their organisation.

Analytics by Design

Analytics By Design (ABD in short) is a new methodology that GovTech is piloting to improve the analytics-readiness of projects. A project that is analytics-ready will allow Data Scientists, Analysts and even business teams to quickly get down to analysis and derive insights faster. Conversely, a project that is not analytics-ready will encounter issues on data extraction, or risk having dirty and incomplete data derail the analysis.

It can be applied broadly, be it building products & platforms, running programmes, or drafting policies. It helps you become more data-driven in your work, and makes the data work for you by uncovering actionable insights to improve your project’s prospects for success from the start.

Click here to find out more.

Data Transformation Playbook

The data transformation journey of an organisation can be challenging. It goes beyond having a few successful data projects; a whole suite of enablers must be put in place, ranging from organisation structure, training, infrastructure to building up a strong data culture. Our playbook shares tactics on how you can embark on your data transformation journey in 2 parts - the first part begins with a short story to illustrate the concepts in a fun and engaging manner before the second part where we dive into details supporting the various data transformation tactics.

Head over to the playbook:

If you are a public officer, sign in via your Techpass account and follow this track instead:

Public Sector AI Playbook

While many agencies in the Government have started to scope AI projects, significant value has yet to be delivered from the use of AI. Two key gaps identified in the strategy were (i) the lack of awareness of major AI use cases and (ii) the lack of ops-tech capabilities to initiate AI projects by public officers.

The National Artificial Intelligence Office (NAIO) and Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Division (DSAID) have developed a Playbook on AI. This playbook provides public officers, especially non-technical officers, a guide on how AI can be adopted in their area of work and shares a range of AI projects implemented throughout the public service. This playbook will enable you to:

  1. Understand the basic concepts of AI.
  2. Learn how to start an AI project
  3. Identify opportunities to adopt AI in your agency
  4. Leverage central support for AI adoption

Click here to find out more.

Data Literacy ePrimer

In this age of Data & AI, a strong data culture and a workforce literate in data and AI becomes ever more important as part of an organisation’s data strategy. To many, navigating the lingo and knowledge on all things data, Data Science, AI, Machine Learning can be daunting.

The Data & AI Literacy ePrimer is an eLearning package originally designed for public officers to access and learn at their own pace and convenience via mobile or web. It imparts foundational data literacy knowledge such as importance of data quality, visual analytics, machine learning, project scoping and more. Filled with videos and real-life examples contextualised for the public service, this ePrimer is a useful reference for all public officers wanting to know more about data.

In this ePrimer series, we take a step back to explore what all these really means to someone operating in this new digital era by reducing the technical jargons into layman understanding.

In this series of 5 modules, you will learn about:

  1. What are some capabilities, applications strengths and weakness of Data Science and AI today?
  2. Why is good Data so critical to the whole endeavour to get Data Science and AI right?
  3. What is Visual Analytics and why doing it well will improve the quality of the data we collect, and enhance the data stories we tell through the dashboards we build?
  4. Why do the algorithms and techniques behind Data Science and AI work the way they do?
  5. How do you sharpen problem statements to be solvable through Data Science and AI techniques and applications?

We’re excited to share this resource to the public for learning and development purposes. Organisations are also welcome to download this ePrimer and customise or incorporate it into existing learning materials at no cost. Click here to find out more or download the ePrimer today!

Data Engineering Initiatives Playbook

In alignment with the growing importance of data for driving innovation and decision-making, GovTech’s Data Engineering Capability Centre has published a data engineering initiatives playbook.

This playbook is designed to provide a comprehensive guide to all organisations that are starting on their data engineering journey, whether you are a global enterprise or startup. It includes foundational knowledge, templates and strategies specifically tailored towards building a robust data engineering framework for data engineers and non-technical users.

Click here to find out more.

Prompt Engineering Playbook

This playbook is designed to help you navigate the new ways of interacting with the LLM-powered AI through what we now call prompt engineering. It provides you with practical insights and guidance to best interact with this new form of AI. From basic prompts to advanced tips and tricks, this playbook is an indispensable resource for anyone looking to keep up with the rapidly-evolving field of AI, and not fall behind many others who are starting to pick up better prompt engineering skillsets.

Head over to the playbook: GovTech’s Prompt Engineering Playbook (beta).


Last updated 04 September 2023

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