Container Stack (CStack) – Managed Platform for Apps using Kubernetes | Singapore Government Developer Portal
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Container Stack (CStack), a Base Layer product in the Singapore Government Tech Stack (SGTS), offers a centralised, secure, and fully managed development platform for containers and Kubernetes.

Hosted on the Government on Commercial Cloud (GCC), CStack is used together with SHIP-HATS and StackOps to provide an end-to-end agile development platform, so that development teams can focus on delivering applications instead of setting up and managing tools.

The Instruction Manual for Infocomm Technology and Smart Systems (ICT&SS) Management (previously known as Instruction Manual 8/IM8) policy requires applications that use containers to have secure development pipelines and underlying runtime platforms, and this could be challenging for the uninitiated.

CStack was built to assist teams planning to modernise applications using containers and Kubernetes to get a head start without setting up the infrastructure themselves.

Key Benefits

  • Reduces overheads for setup and maintenance of application infrastructure: By leveraging CStack’s collective expertise to manage Kubernetes, you can focus on delivering value to your customers by building great products. Dive straight into application development and deployment from week one, and skip the infrastructure setup.

  • Accelerates application development and DevSecOps practices: CStack lets you kickstart your DevSecOps practices and agile development quickly instead of spending time setting up tools and automation. It provides a CI pipeline out-of-the-box and GitOps to automate application deployments. This enables agencies to deploy and release applications frequently while iterating on user feedback.

Success Stories

The MOE Digital Office leveraged CStack to launch a campaign microsite for Teacher’s Day 2021 and 2022. The microsite was customised using WordPress and was deployed as a containerised application on CStack.

CStack served as a compliant platform which allowed the team to reduce the scope of Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing (VAPT). The reduction allowed them to complete the exercise within six weeks, despite being a lean team of three members.


Early adopters of CStack can enjoy the service for free until Mar 2023.

Contact Us

Reach out to the product team with your queries or feedback through this form.

Last updated 09 May 2023

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