CloudSCAPE FAQs | Singapore Government Developer Portal
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Supported devices include non-SE GSIBs and GMDs. GoMax and SE-GSIB devices are not supported.

You would need to be granted an eligible* GCC 2.0 User Role for each CSP account in CMP. A Tenant Manager/Admin would need to assign you that role.

* All user roles, excluding “Tenant Billing Admin”, “Cloud Billing” & “Cloud AssumeRole” roles.

Check with your Tenant Manager/Admin that you have been granted an eligible* GCC 2.0 User Role for the CSP account(s) that you would like to have access to.

* All user roles, excluding “Tenant Billing Admin”, “Cloud Billing” & “Cloud AssumeRole” roles.

CloudSCAPE currently supports deployments on AWS only. Support for Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform will be available in the future.

Last updated 24 August 2022

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