Content Website Platform | Singapore Government Developer Portal
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The CWP is a common secured environment based on a resilient, robust and controlled platform which provides a suite of standardised software for hosting content-based websites. It enables unclassified government websites to be centrally managed and operated on public cloud, bringing the benefits of convenience, greater security, optimisation of resources, faster deployment speed and cost savings through economies of scale.

With the CWP, agencies only have to manage their own websites and they can focus on delivering the best possible user experience. Everything else is handled for them by GovTech.

Hosting Environment

CWP hosts unclassified websites on the public cloud (AWS) and restricted form services on GCloud, an IM8-compliant hosting environment.

CWP offers two categories of services: Base Services and Catalogue Buy Services. Base Services include virtual hosting environment services (AWS) and Form services (G-Cloud or Government Cloud), bundled security infrastructure services and security management services.

Agencies can choose from 3 website tiers for the virtual hosting environment services: Small (Website page views of 50,000 per day and website data transfer of 5GB), Medium (Website page views of 200,000 per day and website data transfer of 20GB), and Large (Website page views of 800,000 per day and website data transfer of 5GB).

There are similar categories for Form Services with small, medium and large for form traffic of 200, 400 and 800 per day respectively.

Integrated, Centrally-Managed Security

CWP centrally manages the security protection of all hosted websites through a range of integrated security infrastructure and management services.

Content Publishing Services

This falls under the ‘Catalogue Buy Services’. (Catalogue Buy also includes a range of miscellaneous services, such as additional website traffic, form traffic, data storage; invoice options; urgent service requests; and performance test tools.)

CWP provides improved manageability and operational efficiency with five Content Management Systems (CMS) standardised software. Customer may bring their own CMS licenses over to CWP provided the licensing scheme is supported in CWP. Alternatively, customer may procure the CMS licenses in CWP. They can choose to deploy HTML websites where CMSes are not required.

The five supported CMSes are WordPress, which is open-source (with commercial support for plug-ins), and four proprietary CMSes, namely SharePoint, SiteCore, Swiiit and Sitefinity.

Simple Process for Agencies

Agencies developing and deploying websites through CWP follow a simple 4-step process. GovTech has developed self-service portals for Service, Deployment, Security, Utilisation, User management, operations and service desk.

The requester goes on to the Service portal and signs up for an account. Once the account is approved, the requester can subscribe for the tier of service they want. After provisioning for the staging and production environment, the developer can start deploying their codes through the Deployment portal and then conduct user testing.

This is followed by booking and running security tests through the Security portal. Once vulnerability and penetration testing is completed, the security findings verified and any loopholes remediated, the agencies can deploy the website and go live.

Find out more about CWP.

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Last updated 11 August 2022

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