DECADA – IoT Tech Stack | Singapore Government Developer Portal
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IoT refers to the concept of numerous devices being connected to the Internet, allowing data about the physical world to be collected, analysed and used for decision-making. IoT has been adopted in many areas, from consumer-focused to industrial sectors, and the Government is no exception.

DECADA (Device Management, Control and Data Acquisition Systems) was initially conceived as a centralized cloud platform for Government IoT systems. It has since been developed into more components, which together form the IoT Tech Stack.

What is the IoT Tech Stack?

The IoT Tech Stack is a set of tools and services for sensors and IoT applications and is also known as DECADA. It consists of three core components, which facilitate the acquisition and exchange of data from sensors to the cloud. Agencies can use DECADA to easily develop and run IoT applications.

The three core components of the IoT Tech Stack are as shown below.

  • DECADA Embedded (formerly known as MANUCA): This is a family of microcontroller-class devices that can communicate directly to DECADA Cloud. DECADA Embedded provides software reference designs for onboarding and communication with DECADA Cloud. Hence, developers can add custom application logic for their use cases and quickly have a ready-to-deploy embedded device.
  • DECADA Edge Gateway: A product and software solution to onboard new and existing sensor nodes to DECADA easily and securely. It is both a gateway to DECADA Cloud, and an edge device to process and aggregate sensor nodes data to reduce data traffic to the cloud. Agencies can make use of its web user interface to allow for various combinations of sensor nodes connection and data processing.
  • DECADA Cloud: A multi-tenant cloud platform deployed on the Government Commercial Cloud. DECADA Cloud’s features include asset management, data acquisition, event triggers, stream processing, data analytics, report generation and APIs for querying data.

Fig 1: Two ways to connect sensors to DECADA Cloud. Through a gateway, or with a direct connection to cloud.
Fig 1: Two ways to connect sensors to DECADA Cloud. Through a gateway, or with a direct connection to cloud.

Why Should the IoT Tech Stack be Adopted?

As digital services become an integral part of everyday life, there is a need for these services to be easy to use, adaptable and relevant. This means that digital services must be technologically advanced and streamlined to meet the needs of today’s highly digitalised era.

While most agencies develop their own services and infrastructure to cater to the needs of specific citizens or business groups that they serve, this may not be the most cost-friendly or time-efficient way.

GovTech’s IoT Tech Stack allows agencies and developers to achieve the above by enabling quick and cost-efficient development and deployment of IoT-related applications, and easy exchange of data across the government. This aggregates data collection for richer insights that would in turn help develop policy and monitor operations.

How do You Use the IoT Tech Stack?

GovTech provides an easy-to-use starter kit for software developers interested in making use of the IoT Tech Stack for their agencies. It is designed to get developers started with sending data from an embedded device, DECADA Embedded, to the government IoT cloud, DECADA Cloud. This kit was used in both the STACK-X 2019 and STACK2020 conference workshops. To find out more about the DECADA Starter kit, click here. Apart from the physical components, the starter kit also contains a walkthrough guide on how to get started.

Fig 2: Sending data from DECADA Embedded to DECADA Cloud
Fig 2: Sending data from DECADA Embedded to DECADA Cloud

Success Stories

Notable use cases of DECADA include:

  • SafeEntry Gateway prototypes were based off DECADA Embedded examples, which gave developers the speed to iterate the business logic, instead of handling cloud connection logic. It pushes token data to DECADA Cloud, and relies on integrations within DECADA Cloud with other GovTech services to ensure that up-to-date information is always available to enable smooth contact tracing efforts.

  • Smart Office solutions were implemented in a few Government agencies’ offices, using DECADA Edge Gateway and Cloud. It allows easy configuration and control of lights, blinds, air-conditioning, and monitoring of meeting room usage status.

  • Personal Alert Buttons (PABs) have been installed in more than 6,000 housing units from 53 rental flats in Singapore. DECADA is used to manage the button devices and route alerts to the relevant Senior Activity Centre (SAC) or telecare operator to handle the case.

Contact Information

Reach out to the product team with your queries or feedback through this form.

Technical Resources

  • DECADA Starter Kit Guide
  • Meet the Team!

    Toh Kian Hui, Technical Lead

    Toh Kian Hui, Technical Lead
    Kian Hui is a senior systems engineer and the team lead for DECADA. He finds joy in implementing software solutions that make a positive impact on people.

    Tony Varghese, Product Manager

    Tony Varghese, Product Manager
    Tony is the Product Manager for DECADA. He joined GovTech in Nov 2018 with the ambition of being part of the team that builds Singapore’s Smart Nation efforts. Aside from his work commitments, Tony enjoys playing cricket.

    Shawn Ng, Systems Engineer

    Shawn Ng, Systems Engineer
    Shawn is a DevOps engineer working on DECADA’s infrastructure and development. Shawn enjoys getting swole in his spare time when he's not in front of the terminal.

    Teo Si-Yan, Systems Engineer

    Teo Si-Yan, Systems Engineer
    Si-Yan is a full-stack web developer who designs and builds custom applications in DECADA. She enjoys learning new things and has many hobbies including baking, calligraphy and board games.

    Last updated 28 February 2023

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